Quality Policy and Certificates
We provide high-quality, comprehensive co-packing services in accordance with the principle of “From design to implementation”, taking into account and respecting the resources necessary for implementation and the declarations contained in this Policy. The overriding goal of the Quality Policy, as a global partner, we meet the current and future expectations of customers, we provide high-quality packaging services for industrial and food products, ensuring their authenticity and health safety, in accordance with the principles of ISO 9001, 22000 and BRC Food Standards, legal regulations and taking into account the principles of environmental protection, social norms and good manners in business. Thanks to many years of experience in the co-packing industry, a dynamically developing team, continuous improvement of the infrastructure and machine park, we are strengthening the company’s position on the domestic and foreign market as a reliable and reliable partner.
- Maintaining and constantly improving the Management System in accordance with the requirements of PN-EN ISO 22000, PN-EN ISO 9001, BRC Food Standard and raising awareness, qualifications and skills of employees through external and internal training.
- Meeting the standards of corporate social responsibility, in accordance with applicable legal requirements and guidelines of external units, including the SMETA procedures of the SEDEX organization and internal requirements, including the Business Ethics Policy.
- Maintaining a high level of customer confidence through continuous monitoring of the degree of satisfaction.
- Selection of the best suppliers of products and services and their regular evaluation.
- Respect for the principles of environmental protection, taking into account the waste recovery policy and full use of the raw material in processes, in accordance with applicable law and internal regulations of the company, including the Management System along with the Environmental Policy.
- Maintaining the high technical standard of the plant, with particular emphasis on safety, health and hygiene and social conditions, based on the Health and Safety Policy.
- Development of infrastructure and machine park by searching for new technological and technical solutions as well as regular investments.
- Providing resources for the implementation of current and planned activities.